About the Campaign

As the world faces more conflicts than ever before, lack of access to peaceful, just and inclusive societies remain a great threat to sustainable development. The SDG16Now Campaign aims to build a more peaceful, just, and inclusive world and strong institutions for and with all people. SDG16Now campaigning includes advocacy, communications and mobilization to influence norms, policies and practices with partners working together at local to international levels through a common vision and coordinated activities.

What Weā€™re Calling For

Mobilize Transformative Commitments for SDG16+

Governments and all stakeholders must make specific and transformative commitments to advancing SDG16+ at the 2023 SDGs Summit and other key moments, and ensure follow-up and accountability to these commitments #Commitments4SDG16Now

Strengthen and Catalyze Robust Financing for SDG16+

Governments, International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and donors must scale up investments in SDG16+ at all levels, including through additional support for civil society and grassroots communities

Recognize and Harness the Indispensable Role of Civil Society for SDG16+ā€™

Civil society must be recognized as a critical component in advancing SDG16+ and the 2030 Agenda at all levels, including through robust participation and engagement around the 2023 SDGs Summit and beyond

How to Engage with the #SDG16Now Campaign

Initiate real progress for global SDG16+ implementation through participating in any one of these Campaign activities, and by doing so become a part of our #SDG16Now Campaign.


To mobilize civil society and all stakeholders to publicly call for transformative action on SDG16+

  • Support the Global Day of SDG16+ Action to publicly express your support for accelerated action on SDG16+
  • Join the SDG Summit Peoples Rally at UN Headquarters
  • Support the SDG16+ Commitment Conference
  • Join the call for CSO access and participation at the SDG Summit
  • Become an #SDG16Now Campaign Champion

2. Advocate

To advocate for governments to commit to accelerated action and additional
resourcing to realize SDG 16+ at all levels

  • Sign the global civil society petition calling for accelerated action and resourcing to realize SDG16+
  • Join a virtual consultation with UN and government stakeholders on advancing SDG16+
  • Issue a joint letter to your government on accelerating action on SDG16+
  • Host a national multi-stakeholder consultation on accelerating action on SDG16+
  • Endorse the Rome Civil Society Declaration on SDG16+
  • Share your advocacy asks around SDG16+
  • Express your support for SDG16+, civil society and #SDG16Now on social media

3. Connect

To connect civil society to key global processes and national stakeholders, and showcase the leadership role of civil society in advancing SDG16

  • Complete and share the Global SDG16+ Survey
  • Make a commitment to accelerate action on SDG16+
  • Access regular #SDG16Now Campaign updates
  • Join the TAP Network and the TAP Mobilization and Advocacy Working Group
  • Showcase your organizationā€™s activities or work in the SDG16+ Campaign Calendar

Why this campaign now?

With the international community facing a convergence of crises around peace, justice and human rights, the global SDG16+ community has an opportunity to re-shift its efforts and commitments to ensuring that SDG16+ is high on the agenda and serves as a central focus of the upcoming global SDG Summit in September 2023.

SDG16+: Where We Are

Peace and Conflict

The number of people in humanitarian need has increased from 81 million 2014 to 340 million people in 2023. According to the International Rescue Committee, nearly 80% of this increase is driven by an expansion and escalation of armed conflict.


1.4 billion people cannot meet their civil justice needs. According to the World Justice Project, the unmet civil and administrative justice needs reflect low levels of legal capability, inability to access appropriate help, poor resolution process, and/or poor outcomes.

Accountable and Inclusive Institutions

Over 88% of the worldā€™s population lives in countries where civil society and civic freedoms are unduly restricted. According to the CIVICUS Monitor, more people than ever before live in countries where state and non-state actors undermine the rights to peaceful assembly, expression, association and participation in public affairs.

Why SDG16+ Matters

The world is facing a convergence of global crises around peace, justice and good governance. Even as global poverty has declined, the number of people in need of emergency humanitarian aid has doubled since 2020. More people than ever live in countries without genuine access to democratic decision making bodies. Worryingly, access to justice and accountability for human rights violations remains elusive for over a billion people in the world.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals represent humanity's most ambitious blueprint to create a just, peaceful and inclusive world. 2023 marks the halfway point for implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. In 2015, the international community adopted the 2030 Agenda, which featured the ground-breaking inclusion of SDG16+, which outlined ambitious commitments towards fostering Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies. The 2030 Agenda recognizes that ā€œthere can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development,ā€ SDG16+ as both an outcome and enabler of sustainable development and the underpinning nature of SDG16+ for achieving the 2030 Agenda in its entirety. Delivering on SDG16+ is a prerequisite to implementing all of the SDGs.

Throughout 2023 and in advance of the SDG Summit which will be hosted in September 2030 there will be a number of critical opportunities to evaluate and accelerate progress towards achieving SDG16+. Under the auspices of the #SDG16Now Campaign, the Transparency, Accountability and Participation (TAP) Network, an international coalition of civil society organisations working to help realise the human rights and development aspirations enshrined in SDG16+, will provide curated spaces for a broad range of SDG16+ stakeholders to advocate for renewed commitments, increased resourcing and civil society space to advance SDG16+ in advance of and during the SDG Summit.

Join the #SDG16Now Campaign Community

Join a growing community of partners engaging in activities to advance SDG16+

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